Advice & Information

In addition to information provided in the form of public reports and research, you can also request advice from us on anything related to inclusion.


Organizations and residents of the province of Groningen can request advice from us on matters such as inclusion, accessibility, diversity, and (sexual) misconduct.

Examples of advice requests:

  •  Does our current policy (or protocols) meet the requirements set by the law for my industry?
  •  How do I draft a job vacancy without discriminating?
  •  Do the house rules of our sports club comply with the law and are they not in violation of the prohibition of discrimination?


We share information, including reports and research to which we have contributed, as well as information from other relevant sources. This information also serves as a guideline for ourselves in policy-making and the development of workshops and educational materials.


Are you looking for information that is not on our website, do you want to learn more about inclusion, or wish to request advice?

please contact us via or use the contact form.


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