Workshops & Teaching Materials

Increase your knowledge about promoting inclusion and tackling discrimination.


Our workshops and teaching materials are suitable for various levels and years:
(primary, secondary, vocational, and higher education).

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With our working methods, we always seek to connect with the daily practice within the organisation.

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For residents and visitors of the province of Groningen, we can often organise some activities for free.

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At WAARD, we have various interactive and dynamic workshops tailored for schools, organisations, companies, and residents of the province of Groningen. Our workshops not only increase knowledge but also provide practical tools to prevent discrimination.

Every workshop is led by a professional. Our staff have experience with many target groups and can connect well with the participants' world. 



Would you like to request a workshop or teaching materials, or do you have a question?

Please contact us at or use the contact form.


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Want to become a volunteer?

Your experience can open someone's eyes and prevent discrimination.

For our workshops Mystery Guest and Fled, we are looking for people with a story related to discrimination on any grounds. Together with a professional presenter, you will visit schools. Through an introduction to the topic and questions from the students, you will engage in conversation.

Interested to see if it's suitable for you? Please contact us!
